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What is the purpose of this referendum?

The Pewaukee community has made a significant investment in the facilities over the past 30 years. Through the most recent community survey in 2018, 80% of people want to maintain one campus for all facilities. In meeting this community desire, the efficiency and effective use to deliver programming and opportunities for students must be carefully evaluated.


Creating multi-purpose accessible facilities is necessary to achieve this mission of opening the door to each child's future. To support the mission of the district, we continuously assess the ability of current facilities to meet the instructional needs of the district. A disciplined approach to managing the condition of the building envelope and infrastructure is necessary to protect the investment the community has made in the facilities.

If this referendum is passed on April 2nd, what is the timeline of construction?

The current plan calls for some of the preliminary elements of the project to begin in Summer 2024.  The bulk of the construction work will be accomplished between Spring 2025 through Spring 2026.

Are there any other capital projects outlined in the district's capital improvement plan that will be funded by this referendum?

The referendum includes the ability to include projects included in the Long Range Capital Improvement Plan as possibilities for completion.  When there are opportunities to complete additional work at a lower cost due to incorporating them into the scope of work at a lower cost than if they stood alone at a later time, they may be completed if funding allows.

Long-Range Intro

This page will continuously update.

As always, contact the Pewaukee School District 
or Dr. Mike Cady (262-695-5046) for any additional information or questions regrading the referendum.

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